All Of The Following Statements About Torts Are Correct Except

Question: Which of the following statements is true of a tort?

Answer: The same action can be both a tort and a crime.

Question: A tort is

Answer: based on a wrong against an individual

Question: All of the following are required for the tort of battery except:

Answer: physical harm

Question: Jennifer comes up to Jack with a toy gun that looks very authentic and threatens to shoot him. Jack immediately fears for his life. Which of the following is true?

Answer: Jennifer is guilty of attempted murder.

Question: Jerry was playing football in a neighborhood game when Jack tackles him hard. Jerry sues Jake for both assault and battery.

Answer: Jerry would NOT win either assault or batter because of the defense of consent.

Question: False Imprisonment

Answer: Can be committed by words without physical violence.

Question: All of the following are examples of false imprisonment EXCEPT:

Answer: Detaining a person against his or her will when he or she was shoplifting.

Question: All of the following statements are true of the intentional infliction of mental distress EXCEPT:

Answer: There must be physical contact

Question: In order for the intentional infliction of mental distress to lie, there MUST be

Answer: Serious injury

Question: In order for the tort of defamation to lie, the communication MUST be

Answer: FALSE

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