All Of The Following Terms Characterize Essentialist Thinking Except

Question: Saadawi recalls her experience of ____________ when, at age 6, she was awakened in the night and dragged to the bathroom, her legs were pried apart, and her clitoris was cut off.

Answer: female circumcision

Question: What is the term that refers to desire, sexual preference, sexual identity, and behavior?

Answer: sexuality

Question: All of the following are reasons why sociologists view gender as a social construction rather than a biological given EXCEPT:

Answer: Contemporary studies show us that men and women have different personality structures, the innate by-product of existing social structural relations.

Question: Judith Lorber believes that gender is a social institution because it:

Answer: is a major structure organizing our day-to-day experiences.

Question: The idea that there was only one sex and that the female body was an inversion of the male body was promoted by which culture?

Answer: Greek

Question: In the one-sex model, it was believed that both a man’s orgasm and a woman’s were required for conception. When the two-sex model gained momentum, women and men were viewed as radically different creatures, and the female orgasm became viewed as:

Answer: unnecessary.

Question: Under the sex/gender system, men universally perform the kinds of tasks:

Answer: that are accorded higher value than those done by women.

Question: All of the following terms characterize essentialist thinking EXCEPT:

Answer: fluid and ambiguous.

Question: What you do in the social world should be a direct result of who you are in the natural world. This statement refers to:

Answer: biological determinism.

Question: Feminist philosopher Elizabeth Grosz proposed that we view the relationship between sex (the natural) and gender (the social) as existing on a Möbius strip because:

Answer: sex and gender are two side of the same coin, and thus inseparable.

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