All Of The Following Were Advantages For The North Except

Question: General Lee surrendered his army to General Grant at the courthouse in:

Answer: Appomattox, Virginia.

Question: Grant’s victories in the West gave them the key strategic control of:

Answer: the Mississippi River.

Question: All of the following were advantages for the North EXCEPT:

the North would fight an offensive war.

about 180,000 blacks served in the Union army.

the North was much more populated than the South.

most of the nation’s industry was in the North.

the North possessed much more natural resources.

Answer: the North would fight an offensive war.

Question: The Emancipation Proclamation:

Answer: symbolically freed the slaves of all states in rebellion.

Question: Despite McClellan’s timid Union attacks, Antietam was a major turning point because:

Answer: the close victory afforded President Lincoln the opportunity to announce emancipation.

Question: Before the first battle of the Civil War, most people on both sides thought:

Answer: their side would win easily.

Question: Early in the war, southern women:

Answer: helped the war effort within their domestic domain.

Question: The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution outlawed:

Answer: slavery everywhere in the United States.

Question: Many of General Grant’s victories in Virginia were characterized by:

Answer: large loss of lives by the Union army.

Question: The New York Draft Riot:

Answer: turned into violence based on social class and racism.

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