Place The Muscle Under The Appropriate Action.

What is the insertion of the highlighted muscle? (triceps brachii)
a. coracoid process
b. acromion process
c. radial tuberosity
d. olecranon process
e. trochlea of humerus


Place the following muscle in the appropriate category based on their attachments.
Since muscles have more than one attachment, muscles might be in more than one category.
a. trapezius
b. deltoid
c. pectoralis minor
d. brachialis
e. brachioradialis
f. pectoralis major
g. triceps brachii
h. biceps brachii

a, b, c, g, h

Place the following muscle in the appropriate category based on their attachments.
Since muscles have more than one attachment, muscles might be in more than one category.
a. trapezius
b. deltoid
c. pectoralis minor
d. brachialis
e. brachioradialis
f. pectoralis major
g. triceps brachii
h. biceps brachii

b, d, e, f, g

Place the following muscle in the appropriate category based on their attachments.
Since muscles have more than one attachment, muscles might be in more than one category.
a. trapezius
b. deltoid
c. pectoralis minor
d. brachialis
e. brachioradialis
f. pectoralis major
g. triceps brachii
h. biceps brachii

e, d, g, h

Identify the action of the highlighted muscle. (tricep brachii)
a. flexion of arm
b. extension of forearm
c. supinator of forearm
d. medial rotation of arm
e. flexion of forearm
f. pronator of forearm


Place the following muscle in the appropriate category based on their attachments.
Since muscles have more than one attachment, muscles might be in more than one category.
a. biceps femoris
b. sartorius
c. Vastus lateralis
d. rectus femoris
e. soleus
f. adductor magnus
g. iliopsoas
h. gastrocnemius

a, b, d, f, g

Place the following muscle in the appropriate category based on their attachments.
Since muscles have more than one attachment, muscles might be in more than one category.
a. biceps femoris
b. sartorius
c. Vastus lateralis
d. rectus femoris
e. soleus
f. adductor magnus
g. iliopsoas
h. gastrocnemius

a, c, f, g, h

Place the following muscle in the appropriate category based on their attachments.
Since muscles have more than one attachment, muscles might be in more than one category.
a. biceps femoris
b. sartorius
c. Vastus lateralis
d. rectus femoris
e. soleus
f. adductor magnus
g. iliopsoas
h. gastrocnemius

e, h

Place the muscle under the appropriate action.
a. subscapularis
b. teres minor
c. latissimus dorsi
d. pectoralis major
e. teres major
f. infraspinatus

b, f

Place the muscle under the appropriate action.
a. subscapularis
b. teres minor
c. latissimus dorsi
d. pectoralis major
e. teres major
f. infraspinatus

a, c, d, e

Place the muscle under the appropriate action.
a. latissimus dorsi
b. coracobrachialis
c. pectoralis major
d. deltoid
e. teres major
f. supraspinatus

d, f

Place the muscle under the appropriate action.
a. latissimus dorsi
b. coracobrachialis
c. pectoralis major
d. deltoid
e. teres major
f. supraspinatus

a, b, c, e

Select the muscle that is important for powerful extension of the femur/thigh, but NOT important in walking.
a. superior and inferior gemellus
b. obturator internus
c. obturator
d. gluteus maximus
e. gluteus medius
f. quadratus femoris


Label the structures in a lateral view of the right thigh.

-biceps femoirs, long head
-biceps femoirs, short head
-tensor facial latae
-rectus femoris
-vastus lateralis

What is the origin of the muscle of the thigh? (gracilis)
a. shaft of femur
b. pubis (body and inferior ramus)
c. ischial tuberosity


Label the muscles of the lateral leg

Match the connective tissue with the skeletal muscle component that it surrounds.
a. surrounds each muscle fiber
b. surrounds the fascicles
c. surrounds the whole skeletal muscle


Match the connective tissue with the skeletal muscle component that it surrounds.
a. surrounds each muscle fiber
b. surrounds the fascicles
c. surrounds the whole skeletal muscle


Match the connective tissue with the skeletal muscle component that it surrounds.
a. surrounds each muscle fiber
b. surrounds the fascicles
c. surrounds the whole skeletal muscle


Identify the muscles of the quadriceps and hamstring group by placing the appropriate muscle name in the correct category.
a. vastus medialis
b. semimembranosus
c. biceps femoris
d. vastus lateralis
e. vastus intermedius
f. semitendinosus
g. rectus femoris

b, c, f

Identify the muscles of the quadriceps and hamstring group by placing the appropriate muscle name in the correct category.
a. vastus medialis
b. semimembranosus
c. biceps femoris
d. vastus lateralis
e. vastus intermedius
f. semitendinosus
g. rectus femoris

a, d, e, g

What are the four rotator cuff muscles?
a. infraspinatus
b. rhomboid major
c. supraspinatus
d. rhomboid minor
e. subscapularis
f. subclavius
g. teres major
h. teres minor

a, c, e, h

What is the action of the adductor Magnus muscle?
a. abduction of thigh
b. elevation of thigh
c. adduction of thigh
d. flexion of thigh
e. depression of thigh


What is the insertion of the highlighted muscle? (Semimembranosus m.-hamstring)
a. lesser trochanter
b. ala of ileum
c. medial condyle of tibia
d. head of fibula
e. patella


Identify the muscles whose tendons contribute to the calcaneal tendon.
a. plantaris
b. soleus
c. tibialis posterior
d. popliteus
e. gastrocnemuis

b, e

Place the muscle under the appropriate action.
a. coracobrachialis
b. latissimus dorsi
c. long head of triceps brachii
d. anterior deltoid
e. pectoralis major
f. teres major
g. biceps brachii
h. posterior deltoid

b, c, f, h

Place the muscle under the appropriate action.
FLEXION of arm
a. coracobrachialis
b. latissimus dorsi
c. long head of triceps brachii
d. anterior deltoid
e. pectoralis major
f. teres major
g. biceps brachii
h. posterior deltoid

a, d, e, g

What is the action of the latissimus dorsi muscle?
a. abduction of arm
b. flexion of arm
c. adduction of arm
d. elevation of arm


What is the insertion of the highlighted muscle? (Trapezius)
a. lateral clavicle and acromion and spine of scapula
b. inferior angle of scapula
c. thoracic vertebrae
d. greater tubercle of humerus
e. thoracic and lumbar vertebrae


Determine which is the correct action of the featured muscle. (Pectoralis major)
a. lateral rotation of scapula
b. abduction of arm
c. stabilizes scapula
d. lateral rotation of arm
e. adduction of arm
f. protraction of scapula


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