Which Statement Is True Of Column Filters In Widgets

JLV receives patient data from all of the following sources except:


What statement is most true of the commonly used widgets tab?

Its Just an example and should probably be customized to fit your workflow

Which of the following is not a clinical domain represented by its own widget in JLV?

Optometry reports

Legacy patient records can be found in MHS Genesis without necessarily having to access JLV


Which is the symbol used to represent DOD data in JLV?

Orange Squares

Which statement is not true of date range filters?

The default date range for widgets is 5 years

How do you add a row of data in the available details to the report builder?

click the "add to report builder" icon in the left most column of the row.

How do you choose a level of detail when adding data to the report builder?

click and hold the document and plus symbol in the left most column and select the level of detail you want

Accessing sensitive data requires an audit acknowledgment once per patient, per session.


What does an up arrow or down arrow in a column header mean?

Column sorting has been applied to the column

When widget results in a widget are paginated, selecting the plus icon in the column header on a widget selects all returned records, including those on other results pages.


Which statement is not true of pre-set widget filters?

pre set filters are the same for all widgets

Widgets can be configured to hide columns that are not of interest to the user.


Which of the following is not a customization options that can improve your experience using JLV?

Choosing background theme music

Effectively configuring JLV greatly increases its usefulness?


which statement is true of date range filters?

date range filters are tuned off when column filters are used.

Which statement is true of column filters in widgets

custom column filter selections reset between patient selections

both minimized and expanded widgets can be configured to show and hide columns to ensure the most relevant information displayed.


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