Vaccine Storage And Handling Errors Can

Vaccine storage and handling errors can:

D) All of the above

Failure to store and handle vaccines properly can reduce vaccine potency, resulting in inadequate immune responses in patients and poor protection against disease. Patients can lose confidence in vaccines and providers if they have to be revaccinated because the vaccines they received may have been compromised. Results of a cold chain failure can be costly when vaccines must be discarded because they have lost potency.

The best resource for guidance on storage and handling of a specific vaccine is:

C)Manufacturer's product information (package insert)

For specific, detailed storage and handling protocols for individual vaccines, always refer to the manufacturer's product information and package insert, or contact the manufacturer directly.

Only staff who administer vaccines should receive storage and handling training.

B) False

All staff members who receive deliveries and/or handle or administer vaccines should be familiar with storage and handling policies and procedures at their facility.

A dormitory-style refrigerator/freezer may be used to store refrigerated vaccines on a temporary basis as long as water bottles are also placed in the unit.

B) False

Do not store any vaccine in a dormitory-style or bar-style combined refrigerator/freezer unit under any circumstances. These units have a single exterior door and an evaporator plate/cooling coil, usually located in an icemaker/freezer compartment. These units have been shown to pose a significant risk of freezing vaccines, even when used for temporary storage.

Storage and handling training should be completed:

E) All of the above

Storage and handling training is an important part of ensuring all staff members involved in immunization activities have the necessary knowledge to avoid making errors. Training should occur both at regular intervals (annually) and as needed based on the situation (e.g., new employees, new vaccines added to inventory, and updated recommendations).

If the expiration date on a vaccine label is 11/2022, the vaccine may be used:

B) Through 11/30/2022

When the expiration date has only a month and year, the product may be used up to and including the last day of that month as long as it is stored and handled properly, normal in appearance, and there is no beyond-use date (BUD) in the manufacturer's package insert.

You are the first to access the vaccine storage unit for the day and notice that there has been a temperature excursion. Which of the following actions should you take?

F) Both A and C are correct

Any staff member who notices a temperature excursion should notify the primary or alternate vaccine coordinator immediately or report the problem to their supervisor. To ensure other staff does not use exposed vaccines until vaccine viability has been determined, label exposed vaccines "DO NOT USE" and isolate them from other vaccines in the storage unit. Do not discard these vaccines until the viability determination has been made. The determination about a vaccine's viability following a temperature excursion is made by the manufacturer. CDC does not make vaccine viability determinations and defers to the manufacturer for these decisions.

Vaccine expiration dates should be checked at least weekly and vaccines that will expire soonest should be placed in front of those with later expiration dates.

A) True

Check expiration dates on vaccines and diluents at least once a week, and immediately remove any expired vaccines and diluents to avoid inadvertently administering them. Arrange stock in the storage unit so that for each vaccine type, doses with the earliest expiration dates are placed in front of those with later expiration dates.

Use of a buffered temperature probe is the most accurate way to measure actual vaccine temperatures.

A) True

Unlike a simple minimum/maximum thermometer, a digital data logger (DDL) will provide:

B) Detailed information on all temperatures recorded at preset intervals

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