Cwv 101 Final Exam Answers

Question: List the various definitions and descriptions of worldview found in the textbook and lecture.

Answer: Set of assumptions to which one commits to serve as a framework for understanding reality and shaping ones behavior

Question: According to Chapter 1 in the textbook and Lecture 1, which worldview families use both faith and reason?

Answer: All of them

Question: What is the difference between private and shared worldviews?

Answer: 1. Private Worldview: Personal view of the world, shaped by their life story

2. Shared Worldview: Foundational assumptions made as a community that are commonly shared

Question: When discussing worldviews, what is the difference between an open system and a closed system?

Answer: 1. Open System: Influenced by spiritual world

2. Closed System: Cannot be influenced by external forces because nothing external exists

Question: The concept that humanity is created in the image of God may refer to a number of things. List four: two covered in the textbook and two covered in the lecture.

Answer: 1. God’s attributes are passed to humans (creativity, love, logic and reason, etc)

2. Humanity is to exercise dominion over what God created

3. God breathed the breath of life into us

4. God gives us worth

Question: List three reasons for seeing humanity as the pinnacle of God’s creation.

Answer: 1. Its place at the end of the narrative

2. The amount of narrative space that the creation of humanity takes within the narrative

3. The interruption in the pattern of wording established when discussing the first five days of creation in Genesis 1

Question: List at least five characteristics of God emphasized in Psalm 145.

Answer: 1. Righteous

2. Majesty

3. Gracious

4. Merciful

5. Good

Question: How would you describe the nature of work God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden?

Answer: 1. To keep and work the Garden

2. Kingly gardener and watchman

3. Expand the Garden

Question: What is the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 known as and what does it mean?

Answer: 1. “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring;

he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”

2. Struggle between man and sin

3. Both humans and demons will affect each other but neither is capable of destroying the other completely

Question: Although created in the image of God, after the Fall humanity became sinful by nature. How extensively does this “original sin” or “depravity” affect us according to Romans 3:10-23?


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