Dbq 19 Causes Of World War I

Question: Doc 1

What three countries increased the amount of money spent on weapons?

Answer: Great Britain, Germany, France

Question: Doc 1

How does the increase of weapons increase the chance of war?

Answer: More weapons causes tension and increases chances of winning. The money spent on armies and navies meant that these countries were prepared for war. This led to an arms race and fear among neighboring countries.

Question: Doc 2

Who were the members of each alliance system? How did alliance systems contribute to the outbreak of World War I?

Answer: Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

Triple Entente: Great Britain, France, Russia

The alliances contributed to the outbreak of the war because they were allies and had to assist each other after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand went wrong.

Question: Doc 3

what were the accusations made by Austria-Hungary to Serbia?

Answer: The accusation were that Serbia had done nothing to prevent the formation of societies and groups against the Monarchy.

Question: Doc 3

What 2 demands did Austria-Hungary make on Serbia?

Answer: They demanded that Serbia would condemn the dangerous propaganda against the Monarchy, and to accept the collaboration of both countries representatives to put a stop to the subversive movement.

Question: Doc 4

According to the Treaty of Versailles, who is responsible for WWI? Why?

Answer: Germany is to blame for WWI according to the Treaty of Versailles, because the victors believe that Germany and its allies because of the losses and damage from war.

Question: Doc 5

What position did the German leader present?What did he say caused the war?


Question: Doc 6

According to this author who is responsible for the outbreak of WWI?

Answer: He states that Europe is to blame and that they brought it on themselves. The leaders either took steps that led to war, or did nothing to stop the war

Question: Doc 6

support his claim?

Answer: He cited the declarations of war and states that Europe could’ve done certain things to prevent WWI.

Question: Doc 7

What role did the assassination and ultimatum play in WWI?

Answer: The role they played was one that set off the chain of events causing WWI. The assassination led to a battle in which allies had to come to aid their fellow ally. While the ultimatum was a failure the groups were not stopped and the Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated.

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