Describe How The Meanings Of The Constitutional Clauses





Question: Why did Congress enact the War Powers Resolution in 1973? Use details from the text to support your answer.


Question: What is a filibuster? When and where is it typically used? Why do you think no equivalent for the filibuster exists in the House of Representatives? Why would government observers complain that the filibuster allows a minority to control the Senate?


Question: What is Congress’s oversight function? In what way does Congress’s oversight function provide a process of checks and balances?


Question: How do the foreign policy powers of the legislative and executive branches establish a system of checks and balances between these two branches of government?


Question: Describe how the meanings of the constitutional clauses that grant powers to Congress have been defined.


Question: How has the doctrine of implied powers increased the powers of Congress? Give examples.


Question: How do strict constructionists and liberal constructionists differ in their attitude toward congressional power? How would a strict constructionist characterize the Federal Government? How would a liberal constructionist characterize the Federal Government?Which Framer supported both positions?


Question: What is the Necessary and Proper Clause? Why has it been called the Elastic Clause? How is it used?


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