Describe The Characteristics Of Men'S Hand

Question: What is this image of Japanese art? What are the main themes of this piece?

Answer: This is a Japanese calligraphic poem. The themes humor, love, and sadness.

Question: What is a mandala? Describe the attributes and history of mandalas?

Answer: A mandala was a hanging scroll used for teaching about deities. The idea was brought to Japan from China by master Kukai from 775 to 835 BCE. Mandalas portrayed the deities in schematic order.

Question: Look at the two pictures below. Name each piece of art and the style of Japanese art each represents.

Answer: Picture 1: This piece is called, Choiu Giga, and is an example of men’s hand. Picture 2: This piece is called, Scene from The Tale of Genji, and is an example of women’s hand.

Question: Name the four main islands of Japan.

Answer: A: Hokkaido B: Honshu C: Shikoku D: Kyushu

Question: Define the following terms:

  • effigy

  • - secular

  • - polytheistic

  • Answer: Effigy: A representation of a person, especially in the sculpture form. Secular: The state of being separate from religion. Polytheistic: A belief in, or worship of, many gods.

  • Question: Describe the characteristics of Women’s Hand?

  • Answer: Women’s hand was characterized by delicate lines, strong muted colors, and asymmetrical compositions. It was created with the intention of having a refined, subtle emotional impact.

  • Question: Esoteric Buddhism art was influenced by polytheistic religions. What was the main characteristic of Esoteric Buddhism art?

  • Answer: In Esoteric Buddhism art, Buddha was still honored, but the Japanese also included many gods as a part of a universal Buddha.

  • Question: What are dogu? How were they significant to the Japanese during the Jomon period?

  • Answer: Dogu were small human effigy figures. It is believed that dogu represented the owner and held magic powers that would transfer misfortune to the figure. If the figures were broken, then it would release the misfortune.

  • Question:

  • Answer:

  • Question: Describe the characteristics of Men’s hand.

  • Answer: Men’s hand was characterized by strong ink play and lively brush work. It usually satirized different levels of society and represented the humor of the Japanese.

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