Emotions Influence Driving Because They...

Question: Emotion influence driving because they

Answer: Chnage the way you access risk

Change the way you make drivng decisions

Question: A persons who must be twice as close to an object to see it as clearly as a person with normal visiual acuity has

Answer: 20/40 vision

Question: The part of your peripheral vision closest to your central vision is called

Answer: Fringe vision

Question: The best way to prevent fatigue on lines drives is to

Answer: Rest before you start

Question: Anger

Answer: While driving driver experience the emotion of _____ore of often than any other

Question: depth perception

Answer: Your ______ allows you to judge he distance between yourself and the objects

Question: Exhaust

Answer: Carbon monoxide gas is presented in the ______ of a vehicle

Question: Yield the right of way

Answer: Most collisions involving older drivers are caused by failure to _______

Question: glare resistance

Answer: ability to continue seeing when looking at bright lights

Question: speed smear

Answer: occurs when objects off to your sides become blurred and distorted as your speed increases

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