Emotions That Require A Social Awareness Of Other People Are

Question: Emotions that require social awareness of other people are:

Answer: pride, shame, and embarrassment.

Question: An infant’s realization that he or she is a distinct individual whose actions are separate from those of other people is:

Answer: self-awareness.

Question: The importance of responsive parenting is that:

Answer: difficult children often become easier.

Question: During this stage of attachment, newborns signal that they need others through crying and body movements. When caregivers respond in a positive manner, the newborn is comforted and learns to seek interaction.

Answer: preattachment

Question: _____ tend to play more exciting games, which involve swinging and chasing.

Answer: Fathers

Question: Proximity-seeking and behaviors that help to maintain contact are displays of:

Answer: attachment.

Question: What percentage of infants in the United States are cared for exclusively by their mothers for the first year?

Answer: approximately 20 percent

Question: _____ and breast-feeding are common activities of the oral stage.

Answer: Thumb sucking

Question: According to Freud, the primary source of gratification during the second year of life is the:

Answer: anus

Question: Based on the NICHD longitudinal study of over 1,300 children born in 1991, early day care experiences correlated with clear and distinctive:

Answer: cognitive advances.

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