Empirical Support For Gestalt Therapy Is

Question: Who among the following is NOT considered a relational Gestalt therapist?

Answer: Fritz Perls

Question: Gestalt therapy is a form of:

Answer: Existential therapy.

Question: Field theory suggests that:

Answer: Everything in human experience is relational and in constant flux.

Question: A healthy contact experience involves:

Answer: Interacting with others while maintaining a sense of self; creativity; maintaining balance between the figure and the ground.

Question: According to the Gestalt view, blocked energy is:

Answer: Both (A defensive behavior and a form of resistance to contact).

Question: Which of the following is NOT considered one of the six methodological components of Gestalt therapy?

Answer: Assessment

Question: A critical difference between early Gestalt therapy and relational Gestalt therapy is:

Answer: The approach to confrontation.

Question: The Gestalt therapist:

Answer: Pays attention to the client’s nonverbal language.

Question: In Gestalt theory, the experiment is considered:

Answer: A theoretical proposition crafted to fit the client’s unique needs.

Question: When a person experiences an internal conflict (namely a conflict between top dog and underdog), which of the following techniques would be most appropriate?

Answer: The internal dialogue exercise.

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