Employee Theft Is Correctly Described By Which Statement

Question: The leading cause of death on the job is due to:

Answer: Vehicle accidents.

Question: According to the U.S. Department of Labor, some of the most dangerous jobs include:

Answer: Police, fire fighters, prison guards.

Question: Under U.S. laws, who has the right to hold an election to choose what union they want to represent them, if any:

Answer: Most private and public workers.

Question: In the case The Ugly Side of Beautiful Nails, the nail salon industry violated which of these worker rights?

Answer: To a safe and healthy workplace.

Question: A strong employer-employee relationship is central to:

Answer: Both of these answers are correct: Achieving a corporation’s economic goals; and satisfying the wishes of those who contribute their skills and talents to the company.

Question: The “gig” (or sharing) economy is accurately described by which of these?

Answer: Both of these answers are correct: Many companies have become more cost-efficient; and the generally low wages have increased the welfare burden on the government.

Question: Since the mid-1950s the proportion of American workers represented by unions has:

Answer: Decreased.

Question: As shown in Figure 2, in 2015 the countries with the highest and lowest percentages of unionized labor, respectively, were:

Answer: Iceland, Turkey.

Question: Employee theft is correctly described by which statement?

Answer: It is a significant economic, social, and ethical problem in the workplace.

Question: Businesses can reduce income inequality by which action?

Answer: Commit to paying a living wage to all employees.

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