Good Moral Judgments Should Be Logical And

Question: explain the requirements for a moral judgement


Question: What are the four important characteristics of human rights?

Answer: Universal rights, equal rights, not transferable, natural rights.

Question: Give a concrete example of an action that is a) illegal but morally right and b) legal but morally wrong.

Answer: a) Hiding Jews during the Holocaust.

b) Cheating.

Question: State the criteria of a moral standard and state why each of the non moral standards do no meet the moral standard criteria.

Answer: Criteria: conduct that has serious consequences to the human welfare, take priority over other standards, and soundness depends on adequacy of the reasons that support them.

Question: Explain Shaw’s evaluation of Albert Carr’s theses that “Business is just a game.”

Answer: Shaw says that Car incorrectly treats the standards and rules of everyday business activity as if they had nothing to do with the standards and rules of ordinary morality. he treats morality as something that we give lip service to on Sundays but that other wise has no influence on our lives.

Question: Distinguish classes and subclasses of the normative ethical theories.


Question: How do Ross’ theory differ from utilitarianism and from Kant’s theory?

Answer: Ross’ theory differs from utilitarianism in the fact that ross’s ethical perspective is pluralistic in recognizing a variety of genuine obligations. Ross’ theory differs from Kant’s theory in that Ross does not see these obligations as absolute and exception less.

Question: What are the two points Shaw states from Chapter 1 that can help moral discussions?


Question: What does Huck Finn do and why? What is the point of this account?


Question: What are three problems with egoism?

Answer: Three problems with egoism are: egoists do only what they like, they endorse hedonism (pleasure or happiness only good), and they cannot act honestly, be gracious, or helpful, or otherwise promote other people’s interests.

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