Hamlet Study Guide Answers

Question: Identify Bernardo, Francisco, and Marcellus.

Answer: All guards and friends of Hamlet.

Question: Identify Horatio.

Answer: Best friend of Hamlet and servant of King Hamlet.

Question: Identify King Hamlet.

Answer: Ghost in the play and father of Prince Hamlet.

Question: What had Bernardo seen at a prior watch?

Answer: The ghost of King Hamlet.

Question: Why does Marcellus think Horatio should speak to the ghost?

Answer: Because Horatio is very educated.

Question: What does young Fortinbras want to do?

Answer: Attack Demark beacuse Kink Hamlet killed his father.

Question: Who do the soldiers/guards want to tell about the ghost?

Answer: Prince Hamlet

Question: Identify King Claudius and the Queen Gertrude.

Answer: King Cladius is Prince Hamlet’s uncle and the Queen is his mother.

Question: Identify Laertes and Polonius.

Answer: Laertes is Polonuis’s son and Polonius is the advisor to the King.

Question: Where does Cladius send Cornelius and Voltimand?

Answer: To the King of Norway to tell about Fortibras’s plan.

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