Happy Birthday Is An Example Of A Text Setting

Question: “Happy Birthday” is an example of a _______ text setting.

Answer: syllabic

Question: A song in which each syllable receives one note is called

Answer: syllabic

Question: A wordless melody on the vowel “ah” is an example of a technique called

Answer: vocalise

Question: Which of the following does NOT describe words without specific meanings in songs?

Answer: refrain

Question: Scat-singing is usually found in what style of music?

Answer: jazz

Question: Setting the word “falling” to a descending scale is an example of

Answer: word-painting

Question: Sometimes a composer will collaborate with a ________ who writes the words of the song.

Answer: lyricist

Question: Which of the following describes words and music that recur after every stanza?

Answer: refrain

Question: Which of the following describes the setting of many notes to a syllable?

Answer: melismatic

Question: The word “song” refers to any piece of music.

Answer: False

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