Hard Money In The 1830S Referred To

Question: Andrew Jackson’s inauguration was:

Answer: a large, rowdy event.

Question: The Dorr War:

Answer: pitted proponents of expanded voting rights for whites against the status quo in Rhode Island.

Question: By 1840, approximately ____________ percent of adult white men were eligible to vote.

Answer: 90

Question: By the 1830s, the term “citizen” in America had become synonymous with the right to:

Answer: vote.

Question: By 1860, free black men could vote on the same basis as whites only in:

Answer: five New England states.

Question: In the wake of the War of 1812, younger Republicans like Henry Clay and John Calhoun:

Answer: continued to support agrarianism, but believed that the nation’s economic independence required a manufacturing sector.

Question: In response to the demand for internal improvements, President James Madison:

Answer: called for a constitutional amendment to empower the federal government to build roads and canals.

Question: The Second Bank of the United States was created:

Answer: by Congress in 1816, with the support of President Madison.

Question: In the first half of the nineteenth century, paper money:

Answer: promised to pay the bearer on demand a specific amount of gold or silver.

Question: The Panic of 1819:

Answer: prompted some states to suspend debt collections, which helped debtors but hurt creditors.

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