Hard Social Studies Questions

Question: Which of these events occured first: a) Zimmerman telegraph sent b) Triple Alliance Formed c) World War 1 began d) American troops in France

Answer: b) Triple Alliance formed

Question: The American Expeditionary Force was led by

Answer: John J. Pershing

Question: Before the armistice, Wilson said that

Answer: the German emperor must give up power

Question: After the Bolsheviks seized power, Russia

Answer: made peace with Germany

Question: The German “peace offensive” was an effort to

Answer: smash through Allied forces in France

Question: Which of the following were included in Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points: I. an end to secret agreements between nations II. self- determination by national groups III. collection of huge reparations from Germany IV. an association of nations to protect the independence of all nations

Answer: a) I, II, and IV

Question: the novelist who captured the spirit of the Jazz Age was

Answer: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Question: The Harding administration was marred by corruption, as shown in the

Answer: Teapot Dome Scandal

Question: Which of the following events happened first: a) probihition repealed b) Women gain rights to vote c) Teapot Dome Scandal revealed d) Harding elected President

Answer: b) Women gain the right to vote

Question: The Jones Act passed in 1917 gave citizenship rights to

Answer: Puerto Ricans

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