Has Amphiarthrotic And Synarthrotic Examples

Question: Has amphiarthrotic and synarthrotic examples

Answer: Cartilaginous

Question: All have a fibrous capsule lined with synovial membrane surrounding a joint cavity

Answer: Synovial

Question: Bone regions united by fibrous connective tissue

Answer: Fibrous (suture)

Question: Joint between skull bones

Answer: Fibrous (sutures)

Question: Hip, elbow, and knee

Answer: Synovial

Question: Joint between atlas and axis

Answer: Synovial

Question: All examples are diarthroses

Answer: Synovial

Question: Pubic symphysis

Answer: Cartilaginous (Symphysis)

Question: All are reinforced by ligaments

Answer: Synoival

Question: Joint providing the most protection to underlying stuctures

Answer: Fibrous (Suture)

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