How Does Population Stimulate Social Change

Question: How does population stimulate social change?


Question: Explain how wars and conquests affect social change


Question: What is a social movement?

Answer: Ideologies are often spread through social movements. A social movement is a long-term conscious effort to promote or prevent social change. Social movements usually involve large numbers of people. Examples of social movements include the prohibition movement and the civil rights movement.

Question: What is an example of how technology is capable of changing society?


Question: ___________ promotes the recognition of ideologies.

Answer: Social movement

Question: How can natural disasters produce social and cultural change?


Question: What is diffusion?

Answer: People often borrow ideas, beliefs, and material objects from other societies. This process of spreading culture traits from one society to another is called diffusion.

Question: What are six factors that stimulate social change?

Answer: values and beliefs, technology, population, diffusion, the physical environment, and wars and conquests

Question: What is reformulation?


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