How Is Amylase Activity Affected By A Low Ph

Question: what are enzymes optimal conditions?

Answer: Many enzymes have optimum activity at a neutral pH and at normal body temperature.

Question: what is amylase’s substrate, what is the product, and what test is used to identify it?

Answer: breaks down starch into products, maltose and glucose;;;; iodine test

Question: what is the enzyme Pepsin’s Substrate, product, and test?

Answer: substrate is protein, product is amino acids; Test was the disappearance of pork grind

Question: what is the enzyme catalase’s substate, product, and test?

Answer: substate was hydrogen peroxide, products were water and oxygen, the test was heat and bubbles

Question: what is the enzyme urease substrate, product, and test?

Answer: substrate is urea,,,, product is ammonia and CO2,, test was pH strip and sniff test;; IT Raises THE pH from 3 to 7

Question: what is the enzymes Lysozyme substrate, product, and test?

Answer: substate is bacterial cell walls, products are proteoglycan pieces,, and test is clearing turbid solution;;;;;;DEFENSE AGAINST BACTERIA

Question: what is the enzyme Acid phosphatase substate, product, and test?

Answer: the substate is p-nitrophenol-phosphate (PNPP), product was p-nitrophenol,,,, test was the pH strip and yellow compound;;;; MOST EFFECTIVE AT ACIDIC pH

Question: what was part 2 of the Lab. MONITORING AMYLASE ACTIVITY?

Answer: We used the iodine test to see the presence or absence of starch after amylase was put in at different temperatures

Question: what did the test result indicate?

Answer: amylase works best at medium temperature because the iodine test stayed orange meaning there was no starch;;;;;; a blue test occurred at high and low temperatures meaning iodine attach to starch, and amylase was denatured

Question: What was Part 3 about,? what were the results?

Answer: the effect of pH on amylase activity;;;; worked best at pH 7. Same thing happened with the iodine test and different temperatures

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