Identify A Correct Statement About The Opponents Of Nafta.


Answer: C. The U.S. needs to become more cognizant of and integrate into the economic success of other countries.


Answer: D. Growing power of the U.S. in the world economy allowed the U.S. to choose its trade partners more carefully.

Question: The​ trade-to-GDP ratio for the U.S. changed by a factor of around _______

from 1966 to 2014.

Answer: +3


Answer: C. Because Canada has a smaller population and​ GDP, it cannot specialize in producing as many goods.


Answer: A.

a large increase in​ value-added and a small decrease in employment.


Answer: A. Competition would allow wasteful social programs in Canada to be eliminated.


Answer: B. Canada wanted to take advantage of the currency in the United States.


Answer: D. All of the above


Answer: A. The Mexican government wanted to borrow more in order to spend and stimulate the national economy.

Question: Which of the following is NOT a reason why Mexican migration has​ slowed?


Population growth in Mexico has decreased.


The hazards of crossing the border have increased.


Economic conditions in Mexican border cities have improved.


The difficulty of finding a job in the U.S. has increased.

Answer: C. Economic conditions in Mexican border cities have improved.

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