Insect Evidence Should Be Collected

Question: The first officer arriving at the crime scene, after providing or obtaining medical assistance for the injured and effecting an arrest of suspects (if possible), should immediately: a)photograph the scene. b)search for evidence. c)make a rough sketch of the scene. d)take notes. e)secure the scene.

Answer: E) Secures the scene

Question: The most basic methods of crime scene recording include all of the following EXCEPT: a)infrared analysis. b)narrated videotape. c)sketches. d)photographs. e)note taking.

Answer: A) Infrared analysis.

Question: If the crime scene includes a dead body, the photographer should: a)determine the time of death. b)depict injuries and weapons at the scene. c)attempt to identify the victim. d)attempt to locate the victimโ€™s next of kin. e)document all forensic personnel at crime scene.

Answer: B) Depict injuries and weapons at scene.

Question: A rough sketch need NOT include a: a)location of walls, doors and windows in the building on scene. b)sketch of the suspect(s). c)compass heading designating north. d)date, location, and time of the incident. e)location of all recovered physical evidence.

Answer: E) Location of all recovered physical evidence.

Question: CAD programs enhance the ability to: a)produce a finished crime scene sketch. b)edit videotape. c)develop photographs. d)create chain-of-custody documents. e)take complete documents.

Answer: A) Produce a finished crime scene sketch.


Answer: B) Note taking is done after all crime scene processing has been completed.

Question: Which crime scene search pattern would absolutely require more than one investigator? a)line b)zone c)spiral d)grid e)none of the above

Answer: B) Zone

Question: Physical evidence at a hit-and-run scene could include: a)glass fragments. b)fabric impressions. c)paint chips. d)fiber and tissue. e)all of the above

Answer: E) All of the above


Answer: C) Bloodstained garments should be packaged separately in paper bags.

Question: Charred debris from an arson scene should be: a)thrown away with the other fire debris. b)packaged in air tight glass jar. c)placed in Ziploc bags. d)aired out before packing in plastic wrap. e)placed together with similar items in a paper bag.

Answer: B) Packaged in air tight glass jar.

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