Inside Out Movie Questions And Answers

Question: sadness, fear, joy, disgust, anger

Answer: 5 characters that control Riley’s emotional expression

Question: who’s in charge?

Answer: joy

Question: what is a ‘core memory”?

Answer: important memories

Question: what are the 5 “personality islands”?

Answer: hockey, goofball, friendship, honesty, family

Question: what sport does Riley play?

Answer: hockey

Question: Riley and her family moved to san francisco from what state?

Answer: Minnesota

Question: what happened when sadness touches one of the happy memories?

Answer: it turned blue and Riley turned sad

Question: riley’s parents keep calling her their “happy girl”. from riley’s perspective, why might this be a reason joy tries so hard to suppress sadness?

Answer: she wants to live up to her parent’s expectation of her

Question: who is the main controller of the mother’s control panel?

Answer: mother’s sadness

Question: who is the main controller of the father’s control panel?

Answer: father’s anger

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