Insufficient Deterrence

Question: Cognitive Dissonance

Answer: The theory that we act to reduce the discomfort we feel when two of our thoughts are inconsistent. For example, when our awareness of our attitudes and our actions clash, we can reduce the resulting dissonance by changing our attitudes.

Question: Cognitive Dissonance Theory


Question: Insufficient Justification

Answer: reduction of dissonance by internally justifying one’s behavior when external justification is “insufficient.”

If you perceive little or no justification for your voluntary behavior, then you will feel pressure to change your attitude.

Question: Insufficient Deterrence

Answer: A condition in which people refrain from engaging in a desirable activity, even when only mild punishment is threatened.

ex. Give a child a smaller punishment will overtime have greater affect on that child not doing the thing they were punished for.

Question: Belief in a Just world

Answer: Want to perceive the world as rational, consistent, and fair

Question: System Justification Theory

Answer: the theory that people are motivated to see the existing political and social status quo as desirable, fair, good, and legitimate.

Motivated to accept and perpetuate the ‘status quo’ even if they are accidental, arbitrary, or unjus

Question: Victim Blaming

Answer: Tend to assume that victims did something to deserve their negative outcomes

Question: Complementary Stereotyping

Answer: Members of high and low status groups are seen as possessing complementary sets of positive and negative characteristics

Question: Meritocratic Beliefs

Answer: The idea that hard work and determination lead to success., the idea that hardwork and determination lead to success “from rags to riches”

Question: Social Influence and its 4 types

Answer: Automatic social influence




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