Integrated Pest Management Incorporates All Of The Following Methods Except

Question: All of the following are similarities between undernutrition and overnutrition except

both are a type of malnutrition

both leave the body susceptible to disease

both are ailments that can be found in developing countries

both can affect young or old individuals

Answer: both involve lack of access to sufficient daily calories

Question: An individual who is overnourished

Answer: has an increased likelihood of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Question: All of these factors contribute to the food shortages in Developing countries except

rising temperatures

increased mortality of infants and children

low rate of land ownership

droughts and floods


Answer: increased mortality of infants and children

Question: The main cause of undernutrition and food insecurity globally is lack of available food.

Answer: False

Question: Which of the following types of agriculture is correctly matched with the agricultural practice?

industrialized : polyculture

industrialized : shifting cultivation

subsistence : slash-and-burn

industrial; nomadic herding

industrialized : intercropping

Answer: subsistence : slash-and-burn

Question: A type of subsistence agriculture in which short periods of cultivation are followed by longer periods of fallow land is called

Answer: shifting cultivation

Question: The recent trend of U.S. prime farmland has been

Answer: a loss of 160,000 hectares per year.

Question: Challenges facing U.S. agriculture include all of the following except

decline in prime farmland

decline in numbers of domesticated plant varieties

addressing habitat fragmentation

improving crop and livestock yields

increase in number of domesticated animal varieties

Answer: increase in number of domesticated animal varieties

Question: One of the problems associated with the “green revolution” is that

Answer: it makes developing countries dependent on high-energy consuming imported technologies

Question: The majority of GM crops in the United States are regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture.

Answer: False

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