Level 1 Certified Alarm Technician Test Answers

Question: Objectives of an Alarm

Answer: 1. Deter an event from happening

2. Warn occupants when an event happens

3. Minimize threat to life and property

4. Summon appropriate aid

Question: Well-recognized RTLs

Answer: Recognized Testing Laboratory

  1. UL (Underwriters Laboratories)

  2. 2. FM (Factory Mutual)

  3. Question: Fully Redundant

  4. Answer: All monitoring equipment has a “hot back-up”

  5. Three levels of backup power

  6. Question: Requirements of a listed facility

  7. Answer: 1. Independent Annual Inspections

  8. 2. Fully Redundant

  9. 3. Staffing Levels

  10. 4. Records Maintenance and 1 year history storage minimum

  11. Question: SIAC

  12. Answer: Security Industry Alarm Coalition

  13. 501(c)(6) not for profit

  14. one voice for dispatch issues

  15. funded by donations

  16. instrumental in bridging the gap between the industry and the police

  17. Question: False Dispatch Error

  18. Answer: A cooperative effort between FARA and ESA that predicates the “average” # of responses per system per year. # of dispatches/# of monitored systems.

  19. Question: ECV

  20. Answer: Enhanced Call Verification

  21. telephone verification of alarm calls for burglart/intrusion calls

  22. Question: CP-01 Control Panel Standard

  23. Answer: Industry Standard

  24. No add’l cost to customer & commonly available to manufacturers

  25. Designed to reduce high incidence of user error

  26. 40% effective

  27. Required by many municipalities and in some states

  28. Question: Induction

  29. Answer: influence exerted on a charged body or by magnetic field on neighboring bodies without apparent communication.

  30. Question: Forms of energy that produce electricity?

  31. Answer: 1. Mechanical Energy

  32. 2. Chemical Energy

  33. 3. Light Energy

  34. 4. Heat Energy

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