Level 2 Security Test

Question: False

Answer: A security officer has the same authority as a peace officer:

Question: False

Answer: A security officer can arrest a suspect for any misdemeanor

Question: True

Answer: A security services contractor can proved security patrol

Question: True

Answer: The Private Security Bureau has the authority to license

Question: True

Answer: One of the primary roles of a security officer is to observe

Question: False

Answer: If a police officer asks you to leave your post

Question: False

Answer: A security officer may arrest a person for traffic violation

Question: False

Answer: A security officer is required to make an arrest if he sees a crime

Question: True

Answer: An officer is justified in using force in order to arrest a resisting suspect:

Question: True

Answer: In order to legally arrest a suspect for a felony, the crime must be committed in the presence

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