Level G Unit 4

Question: Atrophy

Answer: n. the wasting away of a body organ or tissue any progressive decline or failure; v. to waste away SYN: n. degeneration, deterioration; v. wither ANT: growth, development v. mature, develop

Question: Bastion

Answer: n. fortified place, stronghold SYN: citadel, rampart, bulwark, parapet

Question: Concord

Answer: n. a state of agreement, harmony, unanimity; a treaty, pact, covenant ANT: disagreement, strife, discord

Question: Consummate

Answer: adj. complete or perfect in the highest degree; v. to bring to a state of completion SYN: adj. masterful; v. clinch, conclude ANT: v. launch, initiate, begin, kick off

Question: Disarray

Answer: n. disorder, confusion; v. to throw into disorder SYN: disorganization, dishevel, mess up ANT: organization, order, tidiness

Question: Exigency

Answer: n. urgency, pressure; urgent demand, pressing need, emergency SYN: requirement, crisis

Question: Flotsam

Answer: n. floating debris, homeless, impoverished people SYN: floating wreckage

Question: Frenetic

Answer: adj. frenzied, highly agitated SYN: frantic, overwrought ANT: calm, collected, relaxed, leisurely

Question: Glean

Answer: v. to gather bit by bit; to gather small quantities of grain left in a field by the reapers SYN: collect, cull, pick up

Question: Grouse

Answer: n. a type of game bird; a complaint; v. to complain, grumble SYN: v. gripe, kvetch, bellyache

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