Macbeth Just For Fun Crossword Puzzle

Question: Birnam Wood comes to

Answer: Dunsinane

Question: This is the first title Macbeth inherits

Answer: Thane of Glamis

Question: “More is thy due thna more than all can pay”

Answer: Duncan

Question: According to Macbeth, life is tale told by an

Answer: idiot

Question: The goddess of witchcraft

Answer: Hecate

Question: “Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell / That summons thee to heaven, or to hell”

Answer: Macbeth

Question: Macbeth sees the ghost of __________ at the table

Answer: Banquo

Question: Macbeth enviisions this leading him towards Duncan’s chamber

Answer: Dagger

Question: Where Duncan is killed

Answer: Inverness

Question: “All my pretty ones? Did you say all? O hell-kite!”

Answer: Macduff

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