Mad Goals

Question: The three reasons we all need goals

Answer: The reasons we all need goals are…

  1. Help you aim

  2. 2. Avoid distractions

  3. 3. Control your future.

  4. Question: 1. Help you aim (Where are you aiming?)

  5. Answer: Goals are important. Not having goals is like wearing a blindfold through life. (Pelé example)

  6. Why do goals matter? They give you something to aim for to make sure you aren’t wasting your talents.

  7. Question: 2. Avoid distractions (Weed through the distractions)

  8. Answer:

  9. Question: Why do goals matter? If you do not have your own goals for the various areas of health, you run the risk of being controlled by everyone else. (Advertisement example)

  10. Answer: 3. Control your future (Take control)

  11. Question: Do Not Fear Failure

  12. Answer:

  13. Question: MAD Goal:

  14. Answer: Measurable, Attainable, and Deadline-driven.

  15. Question: Measurable

  16. Answer:

  17. Question: Attainable

  18. Answer:

  19. Question: Deadline-Driven

  20. Answer: When you set a goal, you should have a deadline in mind.

  21. Having a set deadline will keep you focused and working toward achieving your goal.

  22. Remember, “I’ll eat healthy someday” is easy to say, but difficult to achieve. After all, “someday” isn’t on any calendars.

  23. Question: Wellness Goals

  24. Answer: Physical, Emotional, Social, Academic

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