Sputnik Apush Definition

Question: Sputnik

Answer: The first satellite ever launched into space, was launched by the Russians; began the “race for space” where Americans competed with the Russians to get farther into space. Was launched on Oct. 4, 1957 (Sputnik I).

Question: Missile Gap

Answer: The United States and the Soviet Union were involved in a race to discover who had more missiles and war equipment. The missile gap was the difference in how much the United States had compared to how much the Soviet Union had.

Question: National Defense and Education Act


Question: U2 Incident


Question: Suez Crisis


Question: Eisenhower Doctrine

Answer: 1957: Congress and US President pledged US military and economic aid to Middle Eastern nations threatened by communist aggression. Under the Doctrine the US was able to openly land several thousand troops and help restore order without taking a single life.

Question: Landrum/Griffith Act

Answer: America was in desperate need of labor reform. Union leaders and big industries were involved in many scandals. In 1959 Congress passed the Landrum/Griffith Act. It would prevent bullying tactics and would make labor leaders keep accurate financial records.

Question: South East Asia Treaty Organization

Answer: SEATO was introduced by secretary Dulles as a prop for his shaky policy in Vietnam. (Similar to NATO)

Question: Hungarian Revolt

Answer: When the Hungarians tried to win their freedom from the Communist regime in 1956, they were crushed down by Soviet tanks. There was killing and slaughtering of the rebels going on by military forces.

Question: desegregation

Answer: During the 1960’s, integration of southern universities began. President Kennedy supported black’s civil rights. Some desegregation was painless, but much of it resulted in violent campaigns and riots.

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