Srg Personality Test

Question: Is it important to be liked?

Answer: Yes it is important to be liked. It’s important to be trusted, respected and liked. It’s important for relationship development, teamwork, efficiency, especially in a sales/management role.

Question: How important is it to you to be the best?

Answer: Extremely. It is very important for me to be the best I can be in every aspect of my life, including being the best person, best teammate, best friend, and best family member. I know there is no such thing as perfection, but I am always striving to meet that.

Question: What do you look for in a company that you work for?

Answer: A positive work environment with others who are also competitive in nature.

Question: Do you have certain core beliefs? What are they?

Answer: I believe in working hard to leave the community, organization, and group of people better than I found it or them.

Question: Tell me something you have taught yourself in the last 6 months?


Question: Do you ever outperform others? Tell me a time that demonstrates this?


Question: Do you prefer a slow, medium, or fast paced environment and why?

Answer: I have the ability to work in any environment. I thrive with fast-paced environments- I find them energizing and invigorating. I like to take on a lot of projects at once and manage my time effectively while staying flexible and organized.

Question: Do you prefer to be part of a group or to lead a group and why?

Answer: I adapt my style to the position I’m in. When a group needs a leader, I gladly adapt to that role, but at the entry level, I know that there is a lot that I need to learn, and I am happy to take direction from those with more knowledge and a better sense of the overall picture.

Question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how competitive are you and why?


Question: What do you look for in coworkers?

Answer: Reliability and effective communicators, people who are also excited to be a part of any and every project we are assigned to.

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