Stable Baseline Design

Question: Quasi-experiment

Answer: Experiment where the researcher does not have full control

Question: nonequivalent control group design

Answer: quasi-experiment—> Independent post test only design

Question: nonequivalent control group pretest/posttest design

Answer: Quasi- experiment—> Independent pretest/posttest design

Question: Interrupted time-series design

Answer: measures participants repeatedly on the DV before, during, and after an “interruption” caused by some event of interest— Is the repeated measures design of a quasi

Question: nonequivalent control group interrupted time-series design

Answer: A combination of the previous two, the IV was studied both as a repeated measures variable and as an independent groups variable.

Question: Matched groups

Answer: an experimental design technique in which participants who are similar on some measured variable are grouped into sets; the members of each matched set are then randomly assigned to different experimental conditions

Question: wait-list design

Answer: all participants plan to receive treatment, but are assigned to do so at different times

Question: small-N design

Answer: A study in which researchers gather data from a small group of people

Question: Single-N design

Answer: A study in which researchers gather information from only one animal or person

Question: Stable-baseline design

Answer: A small-N design in which a researcher observes behavior for an extended baseline period before beginning a treatment or other intervention; if behavior during the baseline is stable, the researcher is more certain of the treatment’s effectiveness.

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