Staff Meetings Are Usually Held

Question: Which of the following is an example if a petty difference?

Answer: disagreement of ones choice of clothing

Question: A bulletin board used for posting intra-office notices is most likely to be located in the:

Answer: staff room

Question: In most employment situations, an evaluation of work performance is made on a ___ basis.

Answer: annual

Question: Which of the following is recommended phrase to help resolve a conflict between coworkers?

Answer: I know this is really frustrating for you.

Question: Communication with culturally diverse, pediatric, geriatric and difficult or uncooperative pts involves the use of resources and:

Answer: adaptations based on individuals needs

Question: When should an organizational chart be updated?

Answer: only when there are personnel changes

Question: Staff meetings are usually held:

Answer: in the medical office before or after patient care hours

Question: An approach to handling interpersonal problems and concerns is to use critical thinking skills. Critical thinking includes

Answer: AOTB

Question: Which of the following is not the Four Essential Truths of Human Interaction?

Answer: All people appeal to you equally.

Question: When working with a pediatric patient, instead of saying deformity is it recommended that you say:

Answer: appearance

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