Staff Members Who Are Accused Of Sexual Misconduct Are Often

Question: Nearly anyone working at a school can commit sexual misconduct

Answer: True

Question: The vast majority of sexual misconduct claims by students are misleading or lacking key details

Answer: False

Question: Athletes aren’t reluctant to report sexual molestation because being part of a team gives them confidence

Answer: False

Question: Your electronic activity or history can be accessed by anyone, now or in the future

Answer: True

Question: Which of the following is NOT a boundary guideline that school staff members and coaches should follow?

Answer: Don’t meet in classrooms with windows in doors so you don’t violate student privacy

Question: Which of the following is NOT part of the predictable pattern of abuse?

Answer: reporting

Question: At the _______ stage, the abuser is screening students as possible candidates

Answer: selection

Question: The vast majority of sexual misconduct claims by students are:

Answer: ultimately determined to be truthful

Question: Simply touching a student isn’t always sexual misconduct

Answer: true

Question: Sexual exploitation:

Answer: follows the predictable pattern of abuse

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