Milady Chapter 16 Workbook Answers

Question: Good haircuts begin with an understanding of the shape of the head, as referee as the ____________.

Answer: Head Form

Question: To help achieve the look that you and your client are seeking, be aware of where the head form____________

Answer: Curves, turns, and changes

Question: __________________ on the head mark where the surface of the head changes.

Answer: Reference points

Question: List for common reference points:

Answer: 1. Parietal Ridge

2. Occipital bone

3. Apex

4. Four corners

Question: An understanding of head shape and reference points will help the cosmetologist in the following ways:

Answer: 1. Finding balance within the design, so both sides of the haircut turn out the same.

2. Developing the ability to create the same hair cut consistently

3. showing where and when it is necessary to change technique to make up for the irregularities such as flat crown in the head form.

Question: How can you find the parietal ridge?

Answer: By placing a comb flat on the side of the head: The head starts to curve away from the comb. AKA (crest area)

Question: Describe how to find the occipital bone:

Answer: Simply feel the back of the skill or place a comb flat against the nape and find where the comb leaves the head.

Question: Explain how to find the Apex?

Answer: Placing a comb flat on top of the head. The comb will rest on that highest point.

Question: Outline two ways to find the four corners:

Answer: 1. Placing two combs flat against the side and back, and then locating the back corner at the point where the two combs meet.

2. Making two diagonal lines crossing the apex of the head, which then point directly to the front and back corners.

Question: Name the areas of the head

Answer: 1. Top

2. Front

3. Sides

4. Crown

5. Nape

6. Back

7. Bang area

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