Vocabulary Workshop Level F Unit 13

Question: Abet

Answer: (v.) to encourage, assist, aid, support (especially in something wrong or unworthy)

Question: Aver

Answer: (v.) to affirm, declare confidently

Question: Blatant

Answer: (adj.) noisy in a coarse, offensive way; obvious or conspicuous, especially in an unfavorable sense

Question: Broach

Answer: (v.) to bring up or begin to talk about (a subject); to announce, introduce; to break the surface of the water; to pierce; (n.) a spit for roasting; a tool for tapping casks

Question: Buttress

Answer: (v.) to support, prop up, strengthen; (n.) a supporting structure

Question: Carousal

Answer: (n.) Noisy revelry or merrymaking (often with a suggestion of heavy drinking)

Question: Collate

Answer: (v.) to compare critically in order to note differences, similarities, etc.; to arrange in order for some scientific purpose

Question: Connoisseur

Answer: (n.) an expert; one who is well qualified to pass critical judgments, especially in one of the fine arts

Question: Disconsolate

Answer: (adj.) deeply unhappy or dejected; without hope, beyond consolation

Question: Encumber

Answer: (v.) to weigh down or burden (with difficulties, cares, debt, etc.); to fill up, block up, hinder

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