Vocabulary Workshop Level F Unit 7

Question: austere

Answer: (adj.)severe or stern in manner; without adornment or luxury, simple plain; harsh or sour

syn. forbidding, rigorous, puritanical, ascetic, unadorned, subdued

ant. mild, indulgent, luxurious, flamboyant

Question: beneficent

Answer: (adj.)performing acts of kindness or charity; conferring benefits, doing good

syn. humanitarian, magnanimous, charitable

ant. selfish, cruel, harmful, deleterious

Question: cadaverous

Answer: (adj.)pale, gaunt, resembling a corpse

syn. corpselike, wasted, haggard, emaciated, ghastly

ant. robust, portly, rosy, the picture of health

Question: concoct

Answer: (v.)to prepare by combining ingredients, make up (as dish); to devise, invent, fabricate

syn. create, fashion, rustle up

Question: crass

Answer: (adj.)coarse, unfeeling; stupid

syn. crude, vulgar, tasteless, oafish, obtuse

ant. refined, elegant, tasteful, polished, brilliant

Question: debase

Answer: (v.)to lower in character, quality or value; to degrade, adulterate; to cause to deteriorate

syn. cheapen, corrupt, demean, depreciate

ant. elevate, uplift, improve, enhance

Question: desecrate

Answer: (v.) to commit sacrilege upon, treat irreverently; to contaminate, pollute

syn. profane, defile, violate

ant. revere, honor, venerate, consecrate

Question: disconcert

Answer: (v.)to confuse; to disturb the composure of

syn. upset, rattle, ruffle, faze, perturb

ant. relax, calm, put at ease

Question: grandiose

Answer: (adj.)grand in an impressive or stately way; marked by pompous affectation or grandeur, absurdly exaggerated

syn. majestic, bombastic, highfalutin

ant. simple, modest, unaffected, humble

Question: inconsequential

Answer: (adj.)trifling, unimportant

syn. trivial, negligible, petty, paltry

ant. important, essential, crucial, vital

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