Which Contaminant Poses The Greatest Threat To Food Safety

Question: foodborne illnesss

Answer: is a disease trasnmitted to people by food

Question: foodborne illness outbreak

Answer: when two or more people get the same illness after eating the same food

Question: cost of foodborne illness to an operation

Answer: Loss of customers and sales,negative media exposure,lawsuits and legal fees,increased insurance prmiums,loss of reputation,lowered staff morale,staff missing work,staff retraining

Question: high risk populations for foodborne illness

Answer: Elderly people,infants and preschool-agechildren,pregnant women,others people with cancer or on cheomotherapy,people with HIV/AIDS,transplant recipients (immune systems weakened,not developed or compromised)

Question: Three potential hazards to food safety

Answer: 1. Biological

2. Chemical

3. Physical

Question: Biological Hazard

Answer: Pathogens are the greatest threat to food safety. They include certain viruses,parasites,fungi,bacteria. Some plants mushrooms and seafood carry harmful toxins are also included in this group.

Question: Chemical Hazard

Answer: chemicals can contaminate food if used incorrectly, This includes cleaners,sanitizers,polishes,machine lubricants and toxic metals that leach from cookwar into the food.

Question: Physical Hazard

Answer: foreign objects like,hair,dirt,metal staples,broken glass,fish bones

Question: Five most common risk factors that cause foodborne illness ( identified by the Center of Disease and Prevention)

Answer: 1. Purchasing from unsafe sources

2. Failing to cook food adequately

3. Holding food at incortect temperatures

4. Using contaminated equopment

5. Practicing poor personal hygiene

Question: Preventon Measures that keep food safe

Answer: 1. Controlling time and temperature

2. Preventing cross-contamination

3. Practicing personal hygiene

4. Purchasing from approves,reputable suppliers

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