Which If Any Of These Artworks Are Kinetic Sculptures

Question: What is the main difference between the Web and other visual communication design media?

Answer: It’s potential for interactivity.

Question: Which, if any of the following are examples of illuminated manuscripts?

  • Page from the Koran, probably late 13th century

  • -Book of the dead of Hunefer: Last Judgment before Osiris.

  • -Wang Xizhi Because it is a calligraphy

  • - Dutch History Bible, copied by Gerard Wessels van Deventer in Utrecht.

  • Answer: Illuminated manuscripts

  • - Dutch History Bible,

  • copied by Gerard Wessels van

  • Deventer in Utrecht.

  • - Page from the Koran, probably

  • late 13th century

  • -Book of the dead of Hunefer: Last

  • Judgment before Osiris.

  • Not an Illuminated manuscripts

  • Wang Xizhi Because it is a calligraphy

  • Question: Which of the following examples of visual communication design is a logo?

  • - Black box with orange triangle

  • - Nike check mark

  • - Chevy car symbol

  • - InQuizitvie logo

  • - Two dolphins logo

  • - Circle with white and black

  • Answer: Logo

  • - Chevy car symbol

  • - Nike check mark

  • - Two dolphins logo

  • - InQuizitvie logo

  • Not a logo

  • - Black box with orange triangle

  • - Circle with white and black

  • Question: In which of these artworks was the lettering originally created by hand in mirror-writing, rather than type?

  • Answer: Bal Masque

  • Picture with Bal masque in bottom right corner

  • Question:

  • Answer: 1. Mesopotamians

  • 2. 3400

  • 3. Egyptians

  • 4. hieroglyphics

  • 5. papyrus

  • Question:

  • Answer:

  • Question: What is the result when these colors are combined equally in the RGB color system used for electronic displays?

  • Red+Green =

  • Green+Blue =

  • Red + Blue =

  • Answer: Red + Green = Yellow

  • Green + Blue = Cyan

  • Red + Blue = Magenta

  • Question: What were key elements in Conrad Garner’s design of the Toronto Maple Leafs centennial season-ticket package seen here?

  • - References to the future

  • - Innovative typography

  • - A maple leaf

  • - A repetitive design to the individual tickets

  • Answer: Correct:

  • Key Element

  • - A maple leaf

  • - Innovative typography

  • Not a Key Element

  • - References to the future

  • - A repetitive design to the individual tickets

  • Question:

  • Answer: 1. CMYK

  • - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black.

  • 2. RGB

  • - Red, Green, and Blue.

  • Question: What colors are required to reproduce this painting by Vincent van Gogh in print and on an electronic display?

  • Electronic Display Offset OR Color Printing Process

  • Pick what colors from the options below:

  • -BLUE

  • -CYAN

  • -PINK

  • -Magenta

  • -Grey

  • -Purple

  • -RED

  • -BLACK

  • -WHITE


  • -GREEN


  • Answer: Electronic Display

  • - (RGB) Red, Green, and Blue

  • Offset Color Printing Process

  • - (CMYK) Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black.

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