Which Number Or Set Of Numbers Represents A Socket

Question: What is the purpose of using a source port number in a TCP communication?


Question: Which transport layer feature is used to guarantee session establishment?

Answer: TCP 3-way handshake

Refer to curriculum topic: 9.2.1

TCP uses the 3-way handshake. UDP does not use this feature. The 3-way handshake ensures there is connectivity between the source and destination devices before transmission occurs.

Question: A client application needs to terminate a TCP communication session with a server. Place the termination process steps in the order that they will occur. (Not all options are used.)


Question: What type of applications are best suited for using UDP?


Question: What is the purpose of the TCP sliding window?


Question: What are three responsibilities of the transport layer? (Choose three.)


Question: Which three fields are used in a UDP segment header? (Choose three.)

Answer: 1. Length

2. Source Port

3. Checksum

Refer to curriculum topic: 9.1.2

A UDP header consists of only the Source Port, Destination Port, Length, and Checksum fields. Sequence Number, Acknowledgment Number, and Window Size are TCP header fields.

Question: Network congestion has resulted in the source learning of the loss of TCP segments that were sent to the destination. What is one way that the TCP protocol addresses this?


Question: Which action is performed by a client when establishing communication with a server via the use of UDP at the transport layer?

Answer: The client randomly selects a source port number.

Refer to curriculum topic: 9.2.3

Because a session does not have to be established for UDP, the client selects a random source port to begin a connection. The random port number selected is inserted into the source port field of the UDP header.

Question: Which number or set of numbers represents a socket?


Refer to curriculum topic: 9.1.2

A socket is defined by the combination of an IP address and a port number, and uniquely identifies a particular communication.

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