Which Of The Following Actions Occurs First During Bone Development

Question: Which of the following actions occurs first during bone development?

Answer: formation of a cartilaginous model of the future bone

Question: The bony collar is formed by the ________.

Answer: osteoblasts, beginning at about the third prenatal

Question: Which part of a mature long bone is hollow, infiltrated by blood vessels, and forms dense, compact bone?

Answer: shaft

Question: Secondary growth centers begin ________ and continue ________.

Answer: at about the time of birth; throughout childhood

Question: What is a major function of the cartilage covering the ends of long bones?

Answer: The cartilage is for protection in areas of contact between two bones.

Question: Which of the following sequences represents the correct order of events in bone repair after a fracture?

Answer: formation of a blood clot, formation of a cartilaginous callus, formation of a bony callus

Question: During the process of bone repair, the function of fibroblasts is to invade and form ________.

Answer: During the process of bone repair, fibroblasts form a cartilaginous callus in the region of the damage.

Question: Which of the following statements about osteoblasts is true?

Answer: Osteoblasts produce the bony callus from the cartilaginous callus.

Osteoblasts convert cartilage to bone.

Question: Define the term hematoma.

Answer: Hematoma is a scientific term for a blood clot.

Question: Bone repair includes all of the following EXCEPT ________.

Answer: fibroblast production at the site of injury

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