Which Of The Following Applies To Hipaa Requirements

Question: In charting, subjective data includes the ____.

Answer: patient’s chief complaint

Question: The physician’s diagnosis or impression of the patient’s problem is the ____.

Answer: assessment

Question: Which of the following would you document under the plan of action?

Answer: Medications prescribed and tests to be done

Question: Which of the following is appropriate for conducting a successful interview?

Answer: Assist the patient to a private room and close the door

Question: Which of the following methods of collecting patient data requires more than a yes-or-no answer and encourages the patient to explain the situation?

Answer: Asking open-ended questions

Question: Mirroring means ____.

Answer: restating what the patient says in your own words

Question: “Where would you like to begin?” is an example of which method of collecting patient data?

Answer: Encouraging the patient to take the lead

Question: “You seem to be making progress, don’t you agree?” is an example of which method of collecting patient data?

Answer: Asking leading questions

Question: Which of the following offers the patient little freedom to explain his answers and requires only yes-or-no answers?

Answer: Asking closed-ended questions

Question: Which of the following is characteristic of depression?

Answer: Symptoms include difficulty falling asleep, loss of appetite, and loss of energy.

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