Which Of The Following Was Not An Element Of Realism

Question: Which of the following four elements was not essential for creating massive urban growth in late nineteenth-century America?

  1. electric lighting

  2. B. communication improvements

  3. C. skyscrapers

  4. D. settlement houses

  5. Answer: D

  6. Question: Which of the following did the settlement house movement offer as a means of relief for working-class women?

  7. A. childcare

  8. B. job opportunities

  9. C. political advocacy

  10. D. relocation services

  11. Answer: A

  12. Question: D

  13. Answer:

  14. Question: Which of the following was a popular pastime for working-class urban dwellers?

  15. A. football games

  16. B. opera

  17. C. museums

  18. D. amusement parks

  19. Answer: D

  20. Question: Which of the following was a disadvantage of machine politics?

  21. A. Immigrants did not have a voice.

  22. B. Taxpayers ultimately paid higher city taxes due to graft.

  23. C. Only wealthy parts of the city received timely responses.

  24. D. Citizens who voiced complaints were at risk for their safety.

  25. Answer: B

  26. Question: Why did African Americans consider moving from the rural South to the urban North following the Civil War?

  27. A. to be able to buy land

  28. B. to avoid slavery

  29. C. to find wage-earning work

  30. D. to further their education

  31. Answer: C

  32. Question: C

  33. Answer:

  34. Question: Which of the following was not an element of realism?

  35. A. social Darwinism

  36. B. instrumentalism

  37. C. naturalism

  38. D. pragmatism

  39. Answer: A

  40. Question: B

  41. Answer: Mark Twain’s Gilded Age is a reference to ________.

  42. A. conditions in the South in the pre-Civil War era

  43. B. the corrupt politics of the post-Civil War era

  44. C. the populist movement

  45. D. the Republican Party

  46. Question: How did the Great Compromise of 1877 influence the election?

  47. A. It allowed a bilateral government agreement.

  48. B. It gave new power to northern Republicans.

  49. C. It encouraged southern states to support Hayes.

  50. D. It gave the federal government new powers.

  51. Answer: C

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