Which Of The Following Works Of Art Was Created First

Question: The Ziggurat at Ur can best be described as a:

  1. Sumerian burial ground

  2. b. fortified city-state

  3. c. palace for Naram-Sin

  4. d. Sumerian temple base

  5. Answer: D:Sumerian temple base

  6. Question: Ishtar Gate, with its relief decorations of a dragon, lion and bull, comes from the city of:

  7. a. Lagash

  8. b. Persepolis

  9. c. Ur

  10. d. Babylon

  11. Answer: D:Babylon

  12. Question: Bull-headed capitals would most likely be found in

  13. a. Lascaux

  14. b. Jericho

  15. c. Persia

  16. d. Israel

  17. Answer: C:Persia

  18. Question: The new concept of godlike sovereignty can be described by the representations of ____, the king who

  19. appeared as a god in Mesopotamian Akkadian art.

  20. a. Urnanshe

  21. b. Naram-Sin

  22. c. Eannatum

  23. d. Gilgamesh

  24. Answer: B: Naram-Sin

  25. Question: Use of glazed brickwork is most characteristic of the city of ____.

  26. a. Lascaux

  27. b. Stonehenge

  28. c. Babylon

  29. d. Jericho

  30. Answer: C: Babylon

  31. Question: The stylistic conventions of rigidly frontal symmetry, abnormally large eyes, and tightly clasped hands are most characteristic of the early art of ____.

  32. a. Jerichob.

  33. b.Çatal Höyük

  34. c. Sumer

  35. d. Babylon

  36. Answer: C: Sumer

  37. Question: The White Temple, Uruk is oriented to the ____.

  38. a. Orion constellation

  39. b. Cardinal points of the compass

  40. c. Persian Gulf

  41. d. North

  42. Answer: B:Cardinal points of the compass

  43. Question: A predominant theme or themes found in the narrative reliefs of the Assyrians was or were:

  44. a. the sun disk, Aton

  45. b. war and hunting

  46. c. scenes of the afterlife

  47. d. animal fables

  48. Answer: B:war and hunting

  49. Question: Persian relief figure sculpture can be distinguished from earlier Mesopotamian styles by:

  50. a. the bulging muscles

  51. b. use of extremely large eyes

  52. c. a preference for nudity

  53. d. forms are more rounded

  54. Answer: D: forms are more rounded

  55. Question: Which of the following best describes the Standard of Ur?

  56. a. early example of an official account of the rulers of Sumer.

  57. b. early example of an official account of import goods.

  58. c. early example of mythological narrative.

  59. d. early example of historical narrative.

  60. Answer: D:early example of historical narrative.

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