Which Of The Following Worsens Acne

Question: Which of the following would be the most appropriate family involvement with a child who is overweight?

  1. have separate meals and snacks for the child

  2. b. encourage family outdoor activities together

  3. c. save favorite high-calorie snacks for rewards

  4. d. allow the child to eat separately from siblings

  5. Answer: encourage family outdoor activities together

  6. Question: Which of the following worsens acne?

  7. a. chocolate

  8. b. stress

  9. c. cola beverages

  10. d.salt

  11. Answer: stress

  12. Question: A teenager consumes a fast-food meal consisting of a hamburger, cola, and French fries. In order to consume an adequate diet, which of the following should be chosen at other meals during the day?

  13. a. foods high in calcium

  14. b. good fiber sources

  15. c. foods high in energy

  16. d. a and b

  17. e. b and c

  18. Answer: d. a and b

  19. Question: A woman who craves nonnutritious substances during pregnancy:

  20. a. may do so for cultural reasons.

  21. b. is experiencing pica.

  22. c. is experiencing an adaptive behavior.

  23. d. a and b

  24. e. b and c

  25. Answer: d. a and b

  26. Question: An advantage for the mother of breastfeeding her infant would be:

  27. Answer: conserving her iron stores for several months.

  28. Question: Food allergies and high sugar intakes have been identified as the main causes of hyperactivity in children.

  29. Answer: False

  30. Question:

  31. Answer: b. compare his height and wieght with previous measures taken at intervals.

  32. Question: A low birthweight baby is nearly 40 times more likely to die in the first year of life than is a normal-weight baby.

  33. Answer: true

  34. Question: Susie is a pregnant vegetarian who does not consume meat, fish, poultry, or animal products such as dairy foods or eggs. Susie would be at risk for developing a deficiency of:

  35. Answer: vitamin B12

  36. Question: What is the most important nutrition concern for the person with Alzhiemer’s Disease?

  37. Answer: prevention of weight loss

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