Which Of The Following Would An Adlerian Therapist Particularly Value

Question: Adler taught that we must successfully master three universal life tasks. Which of the following is not one of these tasks?

Answer: Enhancing wellness

Question: Which is are true concerning one’s style of life?

Answer: All people have a lifestyle, but no two people develop exactly the same style; the lifestyle is largely set by the age of 6; one’s style of life is a reaction to perceived inferiority; and one’s style of life is learned from early interactions in the family.

Question: Which of the statements about social interest is true?

Answer: While Adler considered social interest to be innate, he also believed that it must be learned, developed, and used.

Question: Dr. Jones told Emily that her efforts to overcome her fear of test taking at school will most likely lead her to outperform all of her classmates one day. This intervention was

Answer: inappropriate because Dr. Jones was confusing Adler’s self-esteem and academic self-concept.

Question: The purpose of examining a client’s family constellation is

Answer: to get a picture of the individual’s early social world.

Question: The term “social interest” refers to

Answer: an individual’s attitude in dealing with the social world, a sense of identification and empathy with others; striving for a better future for all humans.

Question: The statement “Only when I receive everyone’s approval will I be whole” is an example of

Answer: a guiding self-ideal.

Question: All of the following are stages in Adlerian counseling except

Answer: analysis of resistance

Question: The process of encouragement in Adlerian counseling includes

Answer: helping clients use all their resources; transforming traits that can be liabilities into assets; helping clinets recognize and accept their positive qualities.

Question: An Adlerian therapist asks for the client’s earliest recollections in order to

Answer: discover goals and motivations; reveal their beliefs and basic mistakes; and give clues as to the development of that individual’s lifestyle.

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