Which Of The Following Would Be Considered

Question: Epidemiology is defined as the study of

  1. where and when a disease occurs, and how it is transmitted.

  2. B. how a disease is transmitted.

  3. C. when a disease occurs.

  4. D. where a disease occurs.

  5. Answer: A

  6. Question: What is the role of epidemiology?

  7. To learn which medicines are effective at killing pathogens.

  8. To learn how to treat and prevent various diseases.

  9. To learn which organisms cause disease.

  10. To learn what diseases can be caused by respiratory pathogens.

  11. Answer: B

  12. Question: A patient acquires an infection by touching a contaminated door handle. Which mode of transmission best describes this scenario?

  13. droplet transmission

  14. direct contact transmission

  15. vehicle transmission

  16. indirect contact transmission

  17. Answer: D

  18. Question:

  19. Answer: B

  20. Question: Plague is transmitted through the bite of an infected flea. Which of the following best describes this mode of transmission?

  21. direct contact transmission

  22. vehicle transmission

  23. vector transmission

  24. indirect contact transmission

  25. Answer: C

  26. Question: Which of the following would be considered a fomite?

  27. Which of the following would be considered a fomite?

  28. A fly

  29. Contaminated water

  30. A tick

  31. A toy

  32. Answer: d

  33. Question:

  34. Answer: b

  35. Question:

  36. Answer: c

  37. Question: Which of the following is considered a major category of transmission of disease?

  38. Which of the following is considered a major category of transmission of disease?

  39. Vehicle transmission

  40. Contact transmission

  41. Vector transmission

  42. Contact, vehicle, and vector transmission

  43. Answer: d

  44. Question:

  45. Answer: a

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